[ ina ] X-PAC®︎ Travel Sacoche

Vendor: Oorah
SKU: INA-Coyote
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Shoulder Bag
Color: 蘭茶色
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Subtotal: HK$450.00
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[ ina ] X-PAC®︎ Travel Sacoche

[ ina ] X-PAC®︎ Travel Sacoche


[ ina ] X-PAC®︎ Travel Sacoche

Color: 蘭茶色

[ ina ] X-PAC®︎ 旅行補給袋


補給袋源自於法文 Sacoche,最初是自行車競賽時的隨身補給小袋。[ ina ] X-PAC®︎ 旅行補給袋延續 Supply Section 初代經典補給袋的優點,針對旅行情境重新設計,採用 X-PAC®︎ 機能材質打造一款讓人愛不釋手、適合每日使用的貼身補給袋。




面料採用 X-PAC®︎ 專業材質,是應用在軍事、極限運動、登山領域的高機能防水抗撕裂布料。多層次壓合的專利技術兼具耐用與輕量化的特性,讓 X-PAC®︎ 深受專業人士的信任。 其他諸如 YKK 防水拉鍊、ITW 快速調整扣、550 傘繩等配件,所有細節皆認真講究。袋子的內部具有額外一層蜂巢狀尼龍內裡,可增加防水與耐用性,並且能保護 X-PAC®︎ 內層的防水膜。

▲ 高品質的 YKK® 金屬拉鍊頭搭配 U 型拉鍊繩,塑鋼鍊齒接合緊密,好拉又堅固。


[ ina ] 改用舒適可靠的中空尼龍織帶製作背帶,結構簡單材質細緻,可靠耐用且不易磨損衣物;ITW 快速調整扣搭配 550 磅傘兵繩,操作十分順手並且營造 Sacoche 獨有的輕盈視覺。


[ ina ] 背後具有 Lite MOLLE 模組織帶設計,可透過專用扣具將[ ina ] 組合在其他系列的背包內部,成為子母收納包的概念。

四款美國製 X-PAC®︎ 軍事系列與輕量系列

▲ Multicam Black / X-PAC®︎ 暗黑多地形迷彩
Multicam Black 是美國 Crye Precision 公司針對軍警特種部隊的夜間任務行動而開發,黑色調中仍然隱約浮現深褐色漸層迷彩紋路,加上面料的低反光處理,讓 Multicam Black 自帶神秘隱匿的專業感。此款式使用 2-Tone 兩種規格的 X-PAC®︎ 布料 ,外層為軍規 X50,厚實且防水耐磨性拔群;內側為黑色 VX-21,兼具耐用與輕量化表現。

▲ Multicam / X-PAC®︎ 多地形迷彩

▲ Abies / X-PAC®︎ 冷杉綠
高海拔冷衫針葉的深綠色澤,比常見的軍綠色更顯年輕氣息,彷彿自帶芬多精的高冷氣質,非常適合日常中的大地風格穿搭。冷杉 Abies 屬於 X-PAC 系列中更強調輕量化的傑出材料 VX21,每平方碼僅僅 6oz 重,並同時具有 X-PAC 耐水壓與耐磨抗撕裂的表現。

▲ Rancha / X-PAC®︎ 蘭茶色
蘭茶(らんちゃ)介於棕色與卡其色之間的淺褐色,是日本布料工藝傳統色。蘭茶色充滿溫和樸實的氣息,非常具有深秋金黃大地的季節感,百搭各種穿著場合,喜歡復古或民族風格的朋友一定會愛他! Rancha 蘭茶色使用 X-PAC®︎ 系列中強調輕量化的 VX21,每平方碼僅僅 6oz 重,並同時具有高耐水壓與耐磨抗撕裂的表現。

※ 本商品皆由師傅們手工裁布、縫製,其迷彩花紋存在個別差異
※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,不能接受的朋友請不要勉強下單噢!



外層材質:美國製X-PAC®︎ 防水抗撕裂機能布料
扣具:ITW® 輕量化調節扣
尺寸:袋高21.5 x 寬25 x 厚度4.5 cm

【 X-PAC 的使用與保養建議 】
X-PAC 雖然具有表層防潑水、底層完全防水薄膜的設計,可應付持續的小雨或短時間的暴雨情境,但 Sacoche 這款產品並沒有如同 Goretex 外套的防水熱壓貼條,也並非使用高週波熱壓的方式成型,因此車縫的針孔處無法達到 100% 防水的程度。因此除了生活防潑水的用途之外,請勿作為水域活動的防水袋。另外坊間盛傳 X-PAC 可落水漂浮的宣傳過於簡化,泅渡浮囊僅適用於以高週波處理,具有水密功能的加工方式。

Our Return Policy

Order Review

Only one exchange request per order is allowed within 14 days of purchase, and exchanges are granted only if specific conditions are met and exclusions do not apply.

Exchange Conditions

  1. The products must be sent back within the stated exchange period.
  2. The products must be in their original condition (intact, unused, unwashed, unaltered, with no stains or cosmetics) and must not affect the conditions for resale of the product.
  3. The outer package of the product must be intact, including the plastic bag or box. Please do not attach any tapes or labels directly to our Packing. Instead, put the Packing into another box or bag. Additionally, the product accessories, instructions, tags, and labels should be kept intact.
  4. If the product/parcel includes additional gifts (gifts with purchase promotion), please return the gift along with the product. The gift must be kept in its original condition as received. If the gift cannot be returned, we have the right to ask you to pay for the gift according to the indicated price.
  5. Products with quality issues must have return or exchange requests made within 14 days of purchase. Please note that minor issues such as color variation, threads, and subjective reasons will not be considered as quality problems.

Return/Exchange with Quality Issues

If you have purchased a product with quality problems from the website, you may request a return or exchange within 14 days from the date of purchase. Quality problems must be verified by our after-sales service center and should meet the "Return/Exchange Conditions" listed below. Please note the following:
  1. Small threads, raw edges (commonly seen on apparel/ bags), color differences due to different monitors (different displays), thickness of the products, running threads, hand-feel, and similar details are not recognized as quality issues.
  2. Return/exchange for reasons such as style, color, and subjective preferences do not apply to products with quality issues.
  3. Damage caused by improper use, washing, or alteration, or other human factors will not be considered as a quality issue.
  4. Products clearly indicated with defects at the time of purchase, such as B-grade or products with identified cosmetic defects, are not considered as quality problems and are not accepted for return or exchange.
  5. When selecting the size, please refer to the size chart and choose accordingly. The customer service team can only provide suggestions but cannot be the sole basis for your final purchase decision. If the return/exchange is related to size, it does not apply to products with quality issues.
  6. The size specifications of the product should be subject to the actual product.

Return/exchange exclusions

  1. Products not sold through Suburban's online or physical store;
  2. Products purchased during specific offers or promotional events that explicitly state no return or exchange is allowed;
  3. Customized products without quality problems;
  4. Underwear, socks, swimwear, hydration system, and selected special edition/limited edition products without quality problems;
  5. Products that have been used, washed, processed (e.g. altered in size), soiled, damaged, or have their logos cut, and other merchandise not in a re-saleable condition;
  6. Loss of the electronic invoice or order number issued at the time of purchase;
  7. Orders that exceed the specified return/exchange period;
  8. Products that were clearly indicated with defects at the time of purchase and then returned/exchanged with defective reasons;
  9. Any other circumstances in which the consumer has no right to return/exchange according to this policy and the applicable law.

*In case of any disputes, Suburban HK reserves the right of final decision.

Return Address 
Flat B, 2/F, Lladro Centre, 72 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong

ps. For exchanges initiated by the customer, the customer is responsible for all associated costs, including return shipping and any additional fees (e.g., customs duties) incurred during the return or re-delivery process.

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